I can’t believe there’s actually apparently a demand for my drivelling. There’s more people reading this than I thought. Strange, I don’t advertise this… just have it linked off my Slashdot profile. For this update; my thoughts on the Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy movie. Now, since I’m British and therefore practically weaned on the dry humor of Douglas Adams (he was senior writer for Doctor Who during Tom
I still exist…
Yes, for those who’ve asked… I’m still alive and kicking. Just busy as hell with work and home stuff that’s been eating me alive. Well, enough has happened of late that warrants an update I think. First is the fact that I can now update this thing from work when I’m not really busy… say during lunch… so hopefully I can get more time to work on this blog. Second,
My Life in a Nutshell
You know, it’s been a busy week… that’s part of the reason for no updates. Basically this entire week has consisted of 11pm get-home times, 7am start times and very little restful sleep. Well, at least on Wednesday I managed to get out for a beer or two, but that’s about as far as my week went. I know, boring. On the bright side (GEEK!) I got my Hauppauge card…
The Irony!
You know, now that I have a blog I start to realize the horrible irony of blogs in general; that is that when there’s lots of stuff going on in your life, you don’t have time to update the blog and TELL people about it. Conversely, when you have time to update, there’s nothing going on to write about. I’m really just putting in an entry this morning so that
Oh the pain, the pain!
I know, I promised an update sooner, but this last week has been bizarre. I’m not going to get into details, but I’ll just suffice to say that this morning I’m sitting in my study with a back-brace on trying desperately not to move for fear of extreme pain. Even typing is a chore because my right hand is hurt. So is there anything to update? Yeah, a little. I’ve
OK… well not a lot of stuff to update. The last week has been REALLY hectic at work and has involved an awful lot of late nights. Yeah I know, I sound like a stuck record sometimes. Still, at least I managed to cut the carbs 🙂 On the brighter note, I took time out yesterday to go see Robots at the theater. I’m not sure if it’s because of
Another day, another way
Good morning, greetings and salud! I bid you greetings from the fortress of ignorance! Hmm, that didn’t sound good. Ah well. You may note (if you visit here often) that the page hasn’t changed this week, either in appearance or text. Well, there’s a reason for that. I’ve spent this entire week working with some consultants from Microsoft Consulting Services on 3 seperate projects that are going on at work.
Darn, last day of vacation
Well, today’s my last day of the vacation I took last week which allowed me the time to create this new blog site. Keep checking in if you’re interested, I am going to continue to update this with stuff I find interesting. I’m also going to play a little bit with color schemes, so if you find this page totally disgusting one day, please feel free to contact me and
Babylon 5
Well, I didn’t put an update in yesterday because I didn’t get time. Turned out to be a pretty hectic day all in all. So what’s new? Well, I wanted to write a quick post regarding the cancellation of a Babylon 5 Theatrical movie that I heard about on Slashdot last night. For someone who’s been a fan of Babylon 5 since it was first aired on Channel 4 in
Oil… OIL!!!
Well, I left work a little early yesterday afternoon and decided to go by Autozone to pick up one of those oil-leak detection kits (UV light, dye, glasses etc.) after several days of finding a few drops of oil under the bike. Went home, changed into some grungy clothes and began searching for the oil leak and the source of the smoke that I was still getting a little of