
Well, shit.

Brothers from another mother.. Nanuq and his partner in crime, Cash… #stlnanuq #huskiesofinstagram #siberianhusky

Diamond Jim Brady's is a gem unexpectedly in the middle of a bunch of chains including Qdoba and Olive Garden. But well worth the visit in Novi, MI #foodporn Steak Coulotte… Paired with a lovely Cabernet.

Looks like I was spotted on the Tail of the Dragon by @killboy during my recent trip. Such an amazing ride… this picture even nicely caught the dead bug on my fender and how disgusting my windshield was :) #motorrad Shame my boots didn't survive the trip.

#stlnanuq thinks you need a margarita… #siberianhusky #huskiesofinstagram

I think #stlnanuq is enjoying the dog park… #siberianhusky #huskiesofinstagram

So… I'm concerned my dogs are trying to kill me… #siberianhusky #huskiesofinstagram #stlnanuq #stlloki

Must be such a rough life being a dog… #siberianhusky #huskiesofinstagram #stlnanuq

Someone is attached to me since I got home… And currently drooling on my foot. #stlnanuq #siberianhusky #huskiesofinstagram

So I get home… And the sole of my boot falls off and the other one is barely hanging on. Yes people… It's warm enough here in St. Louis today to melt the glue holding my boots together. I need water. Lots of water…